Why do you pay so much attention to how exactly you grab your foot? How do I get rid of the backbend in half moon side bend? How are you supposed to do the breathing exercise? Why am I still not in fixed firm after five years of practice? What is the reason for the heat in the class?
Lets face it, we all have questions about our practice at any stage we are at. The way the Original Hot yoga class is structured leaves no time for in depth conversation. It is a set sequence, we do the same things in the same order, in roughly the same timing for each 90 minutes.
The workshops then are your chance to ask questions, talk about posture technique, see demonstrations and try things out in a different way so you learn to find access to techniques and body parts you need for your practise. It is equally good if you are a beginner who does not fully understand the postures or have no specific reason other than wanting to learn more – or an advanced practitioner with very specific questions or just a general feeling that you come and practise but your practise is maybe just a little stuck and you need some new ideas.
We plan to hold these frequently, from slightly longer classes where you get to ask questions, to full day or weekend ones, where there is space for a lot of conversation and trying things out.
We invited Jasmine Nash to join us for the Easter Weekend for the first one we will hold. You can sign up online at https://www.yogahel.com/tyopajat/ or at the studio. For any further questions, write to us at info@yogahel.com
For this first one which is a weekend long, we are going to finish with a sauna and swim at Löyly on the evening of the 31st March after the workshop. Let us know if you want to join as the spaces are limited.

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