Kevään työpajoja
Ghosh Yoga Viikonloppu
Ghosh-joogan Ida Jo ja Scott Lamps vierailevat studiolla maaliskuussa! Viikonloppu on pakattu täyteen työpajoja. Lauantai-iltapäivänä he pitävät myös luennon – Ida ja Scott ovat tehneet pitkään akateemista tutkimusta Bengalin alueen joogaperinteestä ja meidän perinteemme laajemmista juurista. Työpajat ja luento ovat englanniksi.
17-19:30 Bending the Spine
9-11:30 Building Balance
12:30-14:30 History Lecture
15-17:30 Breathing and Pranayama
9-11:30 Therapeutic Exercises
12:30-15:30 Advancing Your Practice
We are so excited to share that Ida Jo and Scott Lamps from Ghosh Yoga will visit the studio in March! The weekend will be packed with workshops, and on Saturday there will be a lecture too. Ida and Scott are head teachers of Ghosh
Yoga and have also done instrumental work in studying and translating the yoga history and texts from the Bengali reason, and the roots of our tradition. The lecture and the workshops will be in english.
The workshops are not heated, come in yoga clothes you are comfortable practising in. If you want to take notes of all the new ideas you can keep a notepad and pen next to your mat.
Bending the Spine
Asana technique class. This guided practise will introduce ways to release tension and work towards good posture.
Whether your goal is to deepen your asana practise in a healthy and safe way or just enjoy a life with a healthy spine, you will definitely get something out of working with these brilliant teachers.
Building Balance
Having good balance is one of those fundamental skills we build in yoga, and has long ranging implications to our life and how we age and retain our ability to move.
This guided practise will introduce ways to build stability, focus and strenght on our feet. Whether your goal is to deepen your asana practise in a healthy and safe way or just enjoy a life with better balance, you will definitely
get something out of working with these brilliant teachers.
What is Ghosh yoga?
The lineage of yoga is named after Bishnu Charan Ghosh, and it developed in Kolkata, Bengal. Quoting from the Ghosh Yoga website: ”In India and Japan, Ghosh yoga has always been individual and prescriptive. Each person/student has different needs and limitations, and the yoga teacher’s job is to prescribe to each student the appropriate exercises, asanas and meditations to heal their ailments and develop their physical, mental and spiritual potential.”
What is that to do with Original Hot yoga
as we practise it?
The tradition came best known in the west with Bikram Choudhury in the 1970s, who was a student of Bishnu Charan Ghosh. The practise became centered on asana and a set sequence class. He sometimes claimed he taught the 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises as a ”prescription to cure” western lifestyle related issues.
Several of his students when becoming teachers would follow the path back to the Ghosh Yoga College of India too and you may have sometimes noticed mention of Ghosh-Bikram lineage to mark the steps the yoga has been through
in the west, as essentially the asana-focused practise and set sequences were here to stay.
Read more here:
Ghosh Yoga Website
History Lecture
Explore the history of Ghosh yoga beginning from its origins in Kolkata, India. Learn how this lineage evolved out of body building and therapy to what is practiced today. You will become familiar with the great students of Bishnu
Ghosh and explore concepts such as sequencing, heat, and competition.
Breathing and Pranayama
Learn the foundations of yogic pranayama practice. The session will include an informational lecture and a period of practice.
Therapeutic Exercises
Therapeutic exercises are simple body movements to improve functional health, strength and range of motion. This workshop will focus on bringing stability and relief to the spine, especially the lower back.
Also we will focus on calming the body, breath and mind, reducing stress and creating a restful state. Learn how to recognize and manage pain in your everyday life, and also how to calm yourself at bedtime or in stressful situations.
This workshop is ideal for beginners, elders, non-yogis and yoga teachers. Bring your family members or friends who have injuries or pain. All levels.

Koko viikonlopun hinta on 230€. Voit varata paikkasi nyt ja maksaa koululla kun tulet.
Alennusryhmille ja meidän kuukausjäsenille (ei introkuukausi) 10% alennus.
Voit myös ilmottautua työpaja kerrallaan, jokaisen pajan hinta erikseen on 45€.
Luennolle mahtuu jonkin verran pelkästään siitä kiinnostuneita, hinta 20€.
Jos hinta on aidosti este, otathan yhteyttä.
Advancing You Practise
Progress beyond beginning practices and concepts with this 3 hour immersion. We will discuss what it means to be an intermediate and advanced yogi, including practice philosophy and how to use the body and mind with more detail.
Asana practice work toward Arm Balancing & Inversion, Full Backbending, and Leg Behind the Head. Practice will conclude with Pranayama: breathing exercises that are the next step beyond Asana in a yogi’s progress.
Haluatko opettaa perinteistä Hot Joogaa?
Syys-lokakuu 2025
Jasmine Nash ja Esak Garcia tulevat meille syyskuussa 2025 pitämään hotjoogan opettajakoulutuksen. 3 viikon intensiivijakso on Helsingissä meidän studiolla ja sitä edeltävä mentorointi etänä ja sen jälkeinen harjoittelujakso omalla
koululla. Jos harjoittelet meillä, voit sopia harjoittelujaksosta myös meillä.
Intensiivijakson päivämäärät 21.9.-11.10.
Koulutuksen toteutuessa jo valmistuneilla hotjoogaopeilla on mahdollisuus osallistua koulutuksen asanatekniikkaosuuteen Esakin kanssa. Tämä jatkokoulutusmahdollisuus on ensimmäisen viikon tienoilla. Kysy lisää Mintulta tai Antilta
tai sähköpostitse.
Rekisteröidy 15.6.2025 mennessä

Menneet työpajat
Posture Workshop
Sunday 24th November 2024
13-15:30 Workshop
16-17:30 Class
with Jasmine Nash
During the unheated workshop, we will take a close look at foundational techniques for the 26&2 sequence. With consistent application, these techniques have the ability to transform our practice!
Participants will have the chance to try techniques, see demos and ask questions. Appropriate and useful for all levels, including beginners. Bring a notepad and pen if you want to make notes. You can stay for the
16-17:30 class after to try out your newly learned skills.
Cost of workshop is 55€ for everyone and is not included in membership packages. Free for Jedi Fight Club participants. Remember to book your place for workshop and class!
Jasmine has been teaching for 11 years in 30+ countries. She leads trainings for e84 Yoga and Jedi Fight Club, and loves to work with both teachers-to be and yogis who want to dive into their personal practice. Jasmine
competed for many years and is the 2019-21 Canadian champion. She travels most of the year for yoga trainings and events.
Jedi Fight club
20-25th November 2024
with Jasmine Nash
About the training
Created by Esak Garcia, Jedi Fight Club is an opportunity for passionate yogis to step into a world of practice that has assisted numerous people in having a more complete and fulfilling experience of yoga.
During this 6 day training in Helsinki, you will learn and practice homework exercises designed to deepen yoga postures, and receive coaching to empower you to adjust your experience when your results are not satisfying. We call it, “Change Your Mind.”

About Jasmine
Jasmine attended Bikram Teacher Training in 2013 and has worked extensively with Esak Garcia since 2014. She has taught in over 30+ countries, and has been a yoga athlete since 2012. She travels between trainings for most of the year. Jasmine is especially passionate about caring for groups of yogis and loves to create exciting and memorable yoga travel adventures.
How to sign up?
Follow this link for more information and to reserve you place:
Esak Garcia Jedi Fight Club
Warrior Training
20-28th April 2024
with Scott Eriksson
About the training
In April Scott Erikson will visit Yoga HEL for a special 9-day affair to introduce and share his Warrior Training method with us.
The Warrior Training is a new style of physical exercise for developing strength using yoga asanas and the power of the mind instead of weights or machines. The skills you develop here will transfer directly to your other classes making your yoga practice stronger with more power, stamina, endurance, flexibility, and balance.
Warrior Training is open to all ages, all levels, and all abilities. You do not need to have a yoga background either in order to join us!
The workshop is warm, not hot.
You can find out more at