Hot Yoga and Pilates in Helsinki

Yoga is for everyone and you can come to class exactly as you are today. The physical exercise has real benefits to your strength and mobility. Regular yoga practise can also grow into a constant source of joy and balance in your life.

The hot yoga classes range for the traditional Original Hot -sequence to different variations and expanded classes all the way to The 84 Asana class. You can find pilates, yin, vinyasa and breathing lessons and meditation in the schedule too so you can make your practise a good fit for you.

See the class descriptions and schedule below, the pricing is here. If you are new to the studio, or new to hot yoga, you can read the practical stuff here and more about the school here.

We have classes starting from beginner principles. The school opens early on weekdays so that you can get your practise in before work if you so wish.

The classes are held in Finnish, English or Finnish and English, depending on who turns up.
The school is in Hakaniemi, Helsinki. We are in the Lyyra building, directly above the metro station.

We have a Mindbody booking system. You can book direct from the schedule page or use this link.
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Alkavan vuoden tapahtumia

Ghosh Yoga Weekend 7-9.3.2025

We are excited to announce Ida Jo and Scott Lamps from Ghosh Yoga will visit the studio in March! The weekend will be packed with workshops, and on Saturday there will be a lecture too. Ida and Scott are experienced teachers and have also done instrumental work in studying and translating the yoga history and texts from the Bengali reason, and the roots of our tradition. The lecture and the workshops will be in english.


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