Syksyn työpajoja

Easy Yoga

Kolme syyskuun lauantaita
14.9. 21.9. 28.9.
Linda Sadesola

Syyskuun loppupuolen kolmena lauantaina Linda pitää helpon joogan minikurssin. Tunnit ovat lauantaisin 14.9. 21.9. 28.9. kello 15-16. Tunti tehdään huoneenlämmössä.

Linda, miten kuvailisit tuntia?

Easy Yoga on tunti, jossa tarjotaan paljon erilaisia vaihtoehtoja joten se sopii kaikenlaisille kehoille notkeudesta, iästä ja toimintakyvystä riippumatta.

Kenelle tämä minikurssi sopii?

Easy Yoga on sellaisille ihmisille, jotka luulevat olevansa liian jäykkiä tai liikuntahaasteisia joogaan.

Mistä sait tähän idean?

Joogasta voi olla sellanen mielikuva, että PITÄÄ olla notkea jotta sitä voi tehdä. Tämä ei ole totta.

Fysioterapeuttiopiskelijana kohtaan jatkuvasti sen miten erilaisia ihmiskehot ovat keskenään.
Jo luiden anatomia vaikuttaa siihen millaisiin asentoihin pystyy taipumaan.

lmottautua voi koko 3 tunnin kurssille 3x tunnin sarjan hinta on 45€. Voit ilmottautua koululla käydessäsi tai oheisesta linkistä.

Jos paikkoja jää vapaaksi, voi yksittäisille tunneille myös osallistua normaalin käynnin tai kortin hinnalla. Mitään osaamiskynnystä ei todellakaan ole, joten ei tarvitse huolehtia ettei pysyisi tunnilla mukana vaikka ei pääsekään kaikkia kertoja.

ottaa yhteyttä aina kaikenlaisten kysymysten kanssa!

Jedi Fight club

20-25th November 2024
with Jasmine Nash

About the training

Created by Esak Garcia, Jedi Fight Club is an opportunity for passionate yogis to step into a world of practice that has assisted numerous people in having a more complete and fulfilling experience of yoga.

During this 6 day training in Helsinki, you will learn and practice homework exercises designed to deepen yoga postures, and receive coaching to empower you to adjust your experience when your results are not satisfying. We call it, “Change Your Mind.” 

About Jasmine

Jasmine attended Bikram Teacher Training in 2013 and has worked extensively with Esak Garcia since 2014. She has taught in over 30+ countries, and has been a yoga athlete since 2012. She travels between trainings for most of the year. Jasmine is especially passionate about caring for groups of yogis and loves to create exciting and memorable yoga travel adventures.

How to sign up?

Follow this link for more information and to reserve you place: Esak Garcia Jedi Fight Club

Menneet tapahtumat

Warrior Training

20-28th April 2024
with Scott Eriksson

About the training

In April Scott Erikson will visit Yoga HEL for a special 9-day affair to introduce and share his Warrior Training method with us.

The Warrior Training is a new style of physical exercise for developing strength using yoga asanas and the power of the mind instead of weights or machines. The skills you develop here will transfer directly to your other classes making your yoga practice stronger with more power, stamina, endurance, flexibility, and balance.

Warrior Training is open to all ages, all levels, and all abilities. You do not need to have a yoga background either in order to join us!

The workshop is warm, not hot.

You can find out more at

Posture Workshop

30-31st March 2024
with Jasmine Nash


During these unheated workshops, we will take a close look at foundational techniques for the 26&2 sequence. With consistent application, these techniques have the ability to transform our practice! Participants will have the chance to try techniques, see demos, ask questions, and immediately apply the ideas in the classes after the workshop. Appropriate and useful for all levels. 

Jasmine has been teaching for 11 years in 30+ countries. She leads trainings for e84 Yoga and Jedi Fight Club, and loves to work with both teachers-to be and yogis who want to dive into their personal practice. Jasmine competed for many years and is the 2019-21 Canadian champion. She travels most of the year for yoga trainings and events.

N.B. The workshop section will be unheated, so bring appropriate clothes like woolly socks if you think you need them. You can also bring a notepad and pen if you want to make notes.